Experience the Serenity of a Future Reality amid the Current Anxiety
In the first few pessukim of the Haftara, we read the stirring words in which Hashem tells King Chizkiyah that he has nothing to be afraid of. Though Sancheriv camped outside with a formidable army that could handily crush the Jewish populace, he truly had nothing to fear, for Hashem’s salvation could come in a blink of an eye. And sure enough, it did.
We, too, have nothing to fear. Though the world around us can give cause for all sorts of anxious feelings, we ought to remember this simple fact: Moshiach can come in the blink of an eye and whisk us away from all the mayhem. So, despite whatever it is that’s worrying you, there’s truly nothing to be concerned about. You can find an oasis of calm in your life, right now.