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Gathering the Jews; One Person At A Time, One Mitzvah At A Time

In the haftarah of the final day of Pesach, we read a dramatic prophecy of the prophet Yeshayah about the coming of Moshiach. One of the marvelous developments he foretells of the future era is the ingathering of all Jews from across the entire world to Israel, a process called “kibutz galuyos—the gathering of exiles” (Yeshayah 11:11-12):

The geulah promise that Hashem will gather the Jews by hand, one by one, is also a mandate to each of us. Every Jew holds equal responsibility to bring every other Jew into the fold. This Festival of the Future, participants will learn and be inspired by the Rebbe’s message to be ambassadors in reaching every single Jew and preparing them for Moshiach.


​Watch: what Festival of the Future is all about

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Festival of the Future

is a Project of the Moshiach Office at Merkos 302

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